From Denny: Check out this post of a woman's travel back to her ancestors' homeland in India. She and her husband decided to practice the meditation known as Vipassana. The concept is that by focusing upon every action in the moment you end up clearing your mind of clutter and worries.
It also can be quite tiring as you learn to focus that deeply for long periods of time. Trust me; you do get better at it. It's like exercising a muscle; the more you exercise the stronger you get.
This writer, Chaya Parmessur, recounts her new experience with good humor as she travels on her spiritual path. Included are a couple of quotes from her write:
Spiritual inward journey far away from home - Finding Buddha in the land of my ancestors
By Chaya Parmessur @ HubPages
"After four months teaching at the school in Teesta Valley, we set off on a journey to explore some of the Indian states. I had been to India several times before but never had the courage to visit Bihar, where my ancestors came from over a 100 years ago...."
"After the Bodhi tree experience we decided to do a 3 day meditation course in one of the ashrams in Bodhgaya. Vipassana is an intense form of meditation because you meditate about every single action you carry out. "
* * * For more of her delightful and engaging story of spiritual journey go here.
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